Everything You Need to Know about Water Damage Restoration in Brooklyn, NY

Are you dealing with a broken pipe, a leaky roof, or flooding in your home or business? Are you eager to have your property restored as fast as possible, but don’t know the first thing about water damage? We are here for you! At Water Damage NY, we respond quickly to all calls for water damage repairs in Brooklyn, NY, and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to help you restore your home or business to its pre-loss condition in a timely manner at an affordable price. We offer a variety of water damage restoration services and are equipped to handle all types of water or flood damage. First and foremost, we want you to understand the different types of water damage so you are aware of what each case will necessitate when it comes to repairs and restoration.

Types of Water Damage

Clean water damage is water damage that is typically caused by appliances in your home or business: a broken pipe or water supply line, an overflowing sink or bathtub to name a few. This category of water damage is called “clean” because the water is tap water which is typically free of toxins and bacteria. This means that in the restoration process, much less cleaning and sanitation will be necessary because there is less concern about harmful substances remaining in your home or business.

Grey water damage is when the water that is the problem connotes some concerns about cleanliness. This would apply if you had excess water from a backed-up toilet or a malfunctioning washer machine. While the water in question will probably not seriously harm humans, it is still dirty, and you will want the affected areas to be cleaned properly to prevent odors and bacterial growth. While the water may not initially be harmful, it is still unpleasant to have in your home or business and could be harmful down the line.

Black water damage is when you know the water contains hazardous substances, or it came from outside your home or business and therefore may carry harmful bacteria. Examples of this type of water damage include sewage, rising flood waters, sea water, river, and groundwater. You will want a professional (or professionals) to come to your property as soon as possible to remove the water and sanitize the affected areas to maintain the safety of your family and employees. If you are unsure if you have a black water damage case on your hands, call us immediately to find out what your next steps should be.

Queens Water Damage Restoration
Brooklyn Fire Damage Restoration

Repairing The Damage

Water Removal

The first step in handling flooding, broken pipes, overflowing sinks, leaks, and other water damage is to get rid of the water! In addition to removing the water from your home or business, we will also identify the issue to prevent further damage. For example, we are equipped with roof tarps to temporarily block off leaks until your roof can be fixed. We also have a plethora of equipment at our disposal to facilitate water removal, including specialized vacuums, pumps, truck mounts, dehumidifiers, and high-velocity air blowers. Our tools and expertise will make it possible to remove water from your home or business in a timely and efficient manner, so restoration can begin promptly.

Damaged Material Removal

Next it will be necessary to remove any damaged material. Obviously, we will try to save whatever we can, but in some cases flooring, carpets, and furniture will need to be replaced. We will start by removing affected floor panels, dry wall, and other materials. Sometimes simply allowing the materials to dry before reinstalling them will be sufficient, but it is likely that you will need to order some replacements. We are here to help in all situations and are happy to advise you on your options for restoration.

Cleaning and Sanitation

After removing water and damaged material, different levels of sanitation may be necessary, especially if yours is a case of grey or black water damage. The purpose of sanitizing the area to remove mold, bacteria, and other harmful substances because of flooding to maintain the safety of your property. Rest assured that we will remove anything that could harm your family or employees and your property will be as good as new!

Drying and Monitoring

Allowing more time for the areas to dry is essential. We will use humidifiers and other drying equipment to make sure the damaged areas are completely dried out before carrying on with the restoration. Different cases will require different drying equipment, and we will visit your property regularly to check on the progress and make changes as needed. This also gives us time to monitor your property to see if any more mold growth occurs and if additional sanitation will be necessary. This step in the process is meant to ensure that your home or business is back in peak condition before new flooring or walls are put in.


Finally, it will be time to install new floors, carpets, walls, or roofing and restore your home or business to its prior state. Water Damage NY is prepared to handle restoration, but if you require something specific or would prefer to have another contractor handle installations, we are ready to help with this process and will provide you with all the information to pass along to your contractor.

Why We Are The Best

At Water Damage NY, our job is to serve you. We strive to help you learn about the different types of water damage and restorations so you can make the best decisions regarding the maintenance of your home or business. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service, years of experience, and having a staff of water damage restoration experts available to assist the residents of Brooklyn and the surrounding areas. If you have a water crisis on your hands, do not hesitate; call us and get a free estimate today and take the first steps to restoring your home or business as quickly as possible.